Field notes

for the leadership journey


2024 is going to be an interesting year. There are plenty of unique obstacles we will face this year, but there are also plenty of opportunities. In episode 388 of Stay Forth Leadership Podcast I share my predictions for the upcoming year, but I also share thoughts...

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Good ideas are everywhere. I hear them every week. We’re flooded with them. I’m no doctor, but I don’t think we’re suffering from “lack of ideas” syndrome. It’s something much simpler that's plaguing us.  I’ve been noticing two competing ideas in organizations;...

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How does someone succeed?  It’s interesting how much time we think and dream about succeeding, but we rarely ask this question. As a student of leadership and a coach to some great leaders my perspective has changed.  I promise you leaders DON’T succeed by striking...

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We've been cooking up a summer podcast series for over a year now. We’re really excited about it because it’s different than anything we’ve ever done. It is a risk for us, but we take risks when we know you guys need something else.  You don't just need more...

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Happy Summer! You made it through the spring slog and the exhaustion most families and leaders feel. This summer is unique. It’s a crucial summer for leaders and organizations. Here’s why. - You’ve been through more than you remember the last two years, and you’re...

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Auto Draft

Auto Draft

Have you ever met one of those people who seems to live at a different frequency? They go hard in life, with their family and at work, but they seem deeply fulfilled. They know themselves, so they have a pretty good grip on saying no. They’re life seems to weave...

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Dangerous Calling is one of the few books I read year after year, and every time I read it, it challenges me. Paul David Tripp masterfully weaves real-life stories and often forgotten spiritual truths into this book. As the pages turn, the wounds, temptations, and...

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It’s rare to find a book where every chapter invites you into a new way to think and a better way to live. David Brooks, a popular columnist, and author, walked through a valley and emerged on his second mountain with a refined and weathered view of life. He recorded...

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Talk about timely! This book is nailing leaders between the eyes right now. In his typical concoction of honest, sarcastic, and well-researched John Mark Comer lays out the problem; hurry is slowly killing us and our relationships. But he also builds a hopeful and...

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I get an amazing opportunity. I get to coach sharp, humble and growing pastors every week. They are processing new ideas and making sense of how to best lead their congregations and staff. Occasionally I step back and ask, “What good decisions are the wise pastors...

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I competed in a race at the Talladega Motor Speedway. The redneck deep in my DNA has my mullet blowing in the wind, while my arm is hanging out of the window of my lifted truck, and blasting “Sweet Home Alabama” at the mere mention of ‘Dega. But before you think I...

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This past Saturday, my daughter and I went to Denver to participate in a peaceful protest against the murder of George Floyd and the mistreatment of POC all over America. As we marched around the capital, I saw that man… you know the one… he stands on the corner with...

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