Talk about timely! This book is nailing leaders between the eyes right now. In his typical concoction of honest, sarcastic, and well-researched John Mark Comer lays out the problem; hurry is slowly killing us and our relationships. But he also builds a hopeful and practical path toward ridding our lives of hurry and its companion’s consumerism, materialism, overwork, and anxiety.

This book is making a stir among leaders. Unfortunately, this is a message whose time has come. Alan interviewed John Mark on episode 66 of the Right Side up Leadership Podcast. If we don’t admit hurry has become an issue manifesting in all kinds of other issues it will continue eating our lunch. If you’re feeling like something is tweaked in your soul it’s time to pick this one up.

Here are some killer quotes.

“Hurry and love are oil and water: they simply do not mix.”

“An overbusy, hurried life of speed is the new normal in the Western world, and it’s toxic.”

“What you give your attention to is the person you become.”

“Comparison just eats away at our joy, doesn’t it? Whatever your thing is – parenting, painting, music, entrepreneurship, origami – whatever – there will always be somebody better at it than you. Always.”

“Every yes is a thousand nos. Every activity we give our time to is a thousand other activities we can’t give our time to.”

“If you want to experience the life of Jesus, you have to adopt the lifestyle of Jesus…. By life I mean your experience of the human condition and by lifestyle, I mean the rhythms and routines that make up your day – to – day existence. The way you organize your time. Spend your money.”

“The wilderness isn’t the place of weakness, it’s the place of strength.”

“Solitude is engagement; isolation is escape.”

“Mindfulness is simply silence and solitude for a secular society. It’s the same thing, just missing the best part – Jesus.”

“The Sabbath is the only ‘spiritual discipline’ that makes it into the Ten Commandments.”

“I’ve started to notice than anti-schedule people frequently live in a way that is reactive, not proactive. As more passenger than driver, consumer than creator. Life happens to them more than through them.”