2024 is going to be an interesting year. There are plenty of unique obstacles we will face this year, but there are also plenty of opportunities. In episode 388 of Stay Forth Leadership Podcast I share my predictions for the upcoming year, but I also share thoughts...

Good ideas are everywhere. I hear them every week. We’re flooded with them. I’m no doctor, but I don’t think we’re suffering from “lack of ideas” syndrome. It’s something much simpler that’s plaguing us.  I’ve been noticing two competing ideas in organizations;...

How does someone succeed?  It’s interesting how much time we think and dream about succeeding, but we rarely ask this question. As a student of leadership and a coach to some great leaders my perspective has changed.  I promise you leaders DON’T succeed by striking...

We’re not looking for more information. Flip through Amazon or your podcast app on any topic and overwhelm sets in quickly. While we’re oversaturated with information we desperately need to grow in self-awareness.  I spend most of my week with pastors and...

After two years of pushing full-time to help Stay Forth have its best chance of “making it” I sensed a change was coming. I had asked my amazing wife for a two year pass to push harder than normal, and my buzzer was approaching. In addition to fighting through...

I think I’m supposed to launch this!  I hear this phrase hundreds of times each year from excited change makers over a hot black coffee, in coaching sessions or on a zoom call. Whenever someone utters this I feel two things simultaneously; excited and sad. Most of...